all postcodes in CB7 / ELY

find any address or company within the CB7 postcode district

Postcode Area

CB / Cambridge

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CB7 5ED 25 2 52.334383 0.334568
CB7 5EE 57 12 52.336779 0.329756
CB7 5EF 58 0 52.337765 0.331369
CB7 5EG 27 7 52.341347 0.32661
CB7 5EH 30 0 52.341038 0.33047
CB7 5EJ 37 0 52.341643 0.332601
CB7 5EL 44 4 52.344059 0.321805
CB7 5EN 5 1 52.343339 0.324571
CB7 5EP 38 1 52.348313 0.312572
CB7 5EQ 35 2 52.340023 0.331283
CB7 5ER 3 0 52.347162 0.309825
CB7 5ES 30 0 52.342287 0.333707
CB7 5EU 14 0 52.333766 0.331218
CB7 5EW 3 0 52.340576 0.321945
CB7 5EX 47 0 52.337487 0.332661
CB7 5EY 14 0 52.334862 0.335841
CB7 5EZ 75 0 52.330897 0.341268
CB7 5FB 5 0 52.327409 0.343476
CB7 5FD 71 0 52.338684 0.334002
CB7 5FE 46 0 52.339519 0.332254