all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7DD 6 4 51.462078 -3.447279
CF71 7DE 19 0 51.462764 -3.462273
CF71 7DF 34 10 51.462841 -3.448859
CF71 7DG 27 3 51.459767 -3.442903
CF71 7DH 11 0 51.459874 -3.443742
CF71 7DJ 6 0 51.459556 -3.4433
CF71 7DL 36 0 51.459405 -3.44459
CF71 7DN 7 0 51.460029 -3.444265
CF71 7DP 87 7 51.449955 -3.414315
CF71 7DQ 8 0 51.4504 -3.416919
CF71 7DR 1 0 51.451145 -3.413243
CF71 7DT 15 4 51.458234 -3.421192
CF71 7DU 17 1 51.457707 -3.431251
CF71 7DW 10 0 51.460037 -3.451649
CF71 7DX 7 0 51.462739 -3.45054
CF71 7DY 6 0 51.459845 -3.443136
CF71 7DZ 32 0 51.457754 -3.440666
CF71 7EA 58 0 51.456642 -3.441121
CF71 7EB 20 0 51.456123 -3.442357
CF71 7ED 1 0 51.460768 -3.44341