all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7EE 5 2 51.461947 -3.446283
CF71 7EF 43 0 51.463185 -3.444335
CF71 7EG 9 7 51.461752 -3.446032
CF71 7EH 11 0 51.468578 -3.425413
CF71 7EJ 7 0 51.459647 -3.44028
CF71 7EL 35 9 51.459905 -3.442649
CF71 7EN 5 1 51.463358 -3.437575
CF71 7EP 41 1 51.458506 -3.440904
CF71 7EQ 21 0 51.458012 -3.442344
CF71 7ER 37 1 51.458694 -3.443863
CF71 7ES 15 0 51.457476 -3.439117
CF71 7ET 6 0 51.460792 -3.439999
CF71 7EU 6 0 51.459402 -3.441121
CF71 7EW 16 0 51.458504 -3.448391
CF71 7EX 18 0 51.458304 -3.447837
CF71 7EY 28 0 51.45652 -3.452459
CF71 7EZ 19 0 51.457599 -3.447355
CF71 7FA 3 0 51.455672 -3.454879
CF71 7FF 9 4 51.466111 -3.457111
CF71 7HA 10 0 51.467854 -3.430215