all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7RN 12 2 51.473168 -3.488725
CF71 7RP 6 0 51.472524 -3.489885
CF71 7RQ 76 1 51.476498 -3.479949
CF71 7RS 13 0 51.48668 -3.473293
CF71 7RT 63 1 51.487576 -3.473594
CF71 7RU 4 0 51.486867 -3.4735
CF71 7RW 25 0 51.494952 -3.459025
CF71 7RX 21 0 51.486552 -3.449712
CF71 7RY 14 0 51.480654 -3.44303
CF71 7RZ 9 0 51.477479 -3.440193
CF71 7SA 8 0 51.488479 -3.472588
CF71 7SB 7 0 51.48778 -3.47595
CF71 7SD 9 0 51.487276 -3.452947
CF71 7SE 20 0 51.488518 -3.423574
CF71 7SF 10 0 51.488905 -3.424234
CF71 7SG 9 0 51.488048 -3.424481
CF71 7SR 3 0 51.492126 -3.422606
CF71 7SS 51 1 51.475736 -3.400825
CF71 7ST 4 0 51.477199 -3.409268
CF71 7SU 2 0 51.477386 -3.412425