all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7PY 10 4 51.430818 -3.509531
CF71 7PZ 11 0 51.451763 -3.549382
CF71 7QA 32 1 51.441581 -3.550966
CF71 7QB 44 1 51.440316 -3.551398
CF71 7QD 21 0 51.437064 -3.54572
CF71 7QE 20 3 51.438238 -3.550119
CF71 7QF 15 0 51.439056 -3.551441
CF71 7QG 12 0 51.43879 -3.550512
CF71 7QH 20 0 51.435559 -3.552057
CF71 7QJ 7 0 51.436684 -3.55339
CF71 7QL 24 0 51.437915 -3.554769
CF71 7QN 2 0 51.4332 -3.563789
CF71 7QP 23 2 51.432289 -3.563325
CF71 7QQ 15 1 51.423033 -3.558134
CF71 7QR 65 0 51.427971 -3.551986
CF71 7QS 6 0 51.437548 -3.55129
CF71 7QT 10 0 51.437339 -3.55075
CF71 7QU 10 0 51.437048 -3.546884
CF71 7RA 1 1 51.462612 -3.452105
CF71 7RL 8 0 51.478134 -3.480722