all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

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Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7HB 18 0 51.465831 -3.427244
CF71 7LD 3 0 51.466146 -3.429442
CF71 7HD 11 0 51.466731 -3.430152
CF71 7HE 31 0 51.466772 -3.423818
CF71 7GX 1 0 51.462496 -3.41083
CF71 7HF 28 0 51.468476 -3.427154
CF71 7HG 14 0 51.468626 -3.428843
CF71 7HH 3 0 51.469737 -3.429886
CF71 7HJ 7 0 51.457981 -3.445539
CF71 7HL 16 0 51.457599 -3.444418
CF71 7HN 13 0 51.458293 -3.444354
CF71 7HP 19 0 51.457091 -3.446273
CF71 7HQ 14 0 51.456715 -3.445369
CF71 7HR 22 0 51.456368 -3.443688
CF71 7HS 10 0 51.456868 -3.443186
CF71 7HT 19 0 51.458043 -3.443425
CF71 7HU 10 0 51.467566 -3.426564
CF71 7HW 3 0 51.469044 -3.427704
CF71 7HX 13 0 51.456789 -3.448898
CF71 7HY 2 0 51.452885 -3.443174