all postcodes in CF71 / LLANTWIT MAJOR

find any address or company within the CF71 postcode district

Postcode Area

CF / Cardiff

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CF71 7HZ 6 0 51.454655 -3.461424
CF71 7JA 7 0 51.452456 -3.457468
CF71 7JB 8 0 51.456801 -3.455145
CF71 7JD 24 0 51.453782 -3.460043
CF71 7JE 14 0 51.454323 -3.460665
CF71 7JF 30 1 51.45606 -3.463426
CF71 7JU 6 0 51.456939 -3.462129
CF71 7JG 16 0 51.454745 -3.45708
CF71 7JH 24 0 51.455057 -3.462344
CF71 7JJ 14 0 51.456332 -3.463953
CF71 7JL 19 0 51.456284 -3.458439
CF71 7JN 4 0 51.45671 -3.454523
CF71 7JP 11 0 51.462669 -3.461234
CF71 7JQ 23 0 51.45771 -3.452209
CF71 7JR 25 0 51.457407 -3.452703
CF71 7JS 26 0 51.458645 -3.450756
CF71 7JT 7 0 51.457073 -3.456435
CF71 7JW 7 0 51.456315 -3.45595
CF71 7JX 5 0 51.452905 -3.458274
CF71 7JZ 4 0 51.45516 -3.455568