all postcodes in CH48 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH48 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH48 4DU 9 0 53.369971 -3.180105
CH48 4DW 32 1 53.370585 -3.182527
CH48 4DX 10 3 53.372693 -3.181113
CH48 4DY 30 13 53.373496 -3.184457
CH48 4DZ 7 4 53.372984 -3.183479
CH48 4EA 1 1 53.372693 -3.182915
CH48 4ED 4 1 53.372901 -3.180907
CH48 4EE 23 1 53.373614 -3.179785
CH48 4EF 12 8 53.372732 -3.182692
CH48 4EG 16 4 53.372933 -3.181465
CH48 4EH 6 0 53.37305 -3.174133
CH48 4EJ 14 0 53.373114 -3.180343
CH48 4EL 25 1 53.372358 -3.179494
CH48 4EN 14 0 53.371444 -3.18204
CH48 4EP 4 1 53.374082 -3.180639
CH48 4EQ 8 2 53.372969 -3.179511
CH48 4ER 12 0 53.374019 -3.17891
CH48 4ES 18 0 53.374853 -3.176287
CH48 4ET 10 1 53.373414 -3.171873
CH48 4EU 14 0 53.374216 -3.178073