all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 3DD 22 0 51.730439 0.445598
CM1 3DE 18 0 51.730457 0.445194
CM1 3ET 4 3 51.728419 0.440576
CM1 3DF 44 0 51.73132 0.444328
CM1 3DG 18 0 51.730284 0.444431
CM1 3DH 26 0 51.72887 0.446672
CM1 3DJ 4 0 51.728047 0.448655
CM1 3DL 16 0 51.729319 0.444988
CM1 3DN 11 0 51.729601 0.444395
CM1 3DQ 32 0 51.73022 0.446644
CM1 3DR 1 1 51.724808 0.446569
CM1 3DS 21 0 51.729135 0.447353
CM1 3DT 32 4 51.729954 0.426395
CM1 3DU 40 6 51.730825 0.427458
CM1 3DX 4 0 51.729974 0.425559
CM1 3DY 11 0 51.730406 0.425539
CM1 3DZ 31 1 51.730718 0.430016
CM1 3EA 28 1 51.730869 0.431834
CM1 3EB 38 1 51.731598 0.428789
CM1 3ED 19 0 51.732115 0.429874