all postcodes in CM1 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM1 3EE 22 0 51.732137 0.428789
CM1 3EF 5 0 51.732149 0.427804
CM1 3EG 4 0 51.732056 0.427075
CM1 3EH 11 2 51.73248 0.426548
CM1 3EJ 33 0 51.732004 0.423061
CM1 3EL 36 0 51.732355 0.422573
CM1 3EN 2 1 51.729191 0.427165
CM1 3EP 1 1 51.730199 0.429901
CM1 3EQ 4 0 51.732195 0.425562
CM1 3ES 0 51.72942 0.425819
CM1 3EU 0 51.728911 0.439535
CM1 3EW 0 51.731146 0.433239
CM1 3EX 1 51.730071 0.431733
CM1 3EY 4 51.729711 0.431323
CM1 3EZ 0 51.728263 0.430883
CM1 3GA 0 51.731429 0.430836
CM1 3GD 0 51.727276 0.429889
CM1 3GE 1 51.742499 0.500628
CM1 3GF 0 51.72669 0.458067
CM1 3GG 0 51.726201 0.458634