all postcodes in CM11 / BILLERICAY

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM11 1AA 20 0 51.634313 0.426925
CM11 1AB 13 0 51.631645 0.423762
CM11 1AE 21 0 51.629241 0.423013
CM11 1AF 10 0 51.628563 0.422774
CM11 1AG 1 0 51.630002 0.424079
CM11 1AH 35 0 51.629275 0.425298
CM11 1AJ 24 0 51.628944 0.423474
CM11 1AL 7 0 51.628341 0.426563
CM11 1AN 11 0 51.630065 0.424935
CM11 1AP 16 0 51.62956 0.425847
CM11 1AQ 26 0 51.628401 0.424933
CM11 1AS 32 0 51.630901 0.424084
CM11 1AT 14 0 51.631454 0.425587
CM11 1AU 39 0 51.637038 0.430438
CM11 1BB 14 0 51.631123 0.427275
CM11 1BG 31 0 51.632617 0.426329
CM11 1BH 28 0 51.63402 0.428947
CM11 1BJ 29 0 51.634658 0.427637
CM11 1BL 37 0 51.635604 0.428901
CM11 1BN 8 0 51.636451 0.427501