all postcodes in CM11 / BILLERICAY

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM11 1BP 24 0 51.637067 0.428604
CM11 1BS 41 0 51.636063 0.430341
CM11 1BT 13 0 51.634875 0.430655
CM11 1BU 52 0 51.636222 0.433328
CM11 1BY 17 0 51.636271 0.43229
CM11 1BZ 14 0 51.638764 0.440402
CM11 1DB 18 0 51.637743 0.438468
CM11 1DD 17 0 51.637782 0.437025
CM11 1DE 23 0 51.640554 0.438662
CM11 1DF 6 0 51.639593 0.438162
CM11 1DG 11 0 51.639623 0.4363
CM11 1DH 22 0 51.63919 0.43723
CM11 1DJ 17 0 51.645422 0.434397
CM11 1DL 38 0 51.644472 0.436661
CM11 1DP 34 0 51.642325 0.437384
CM11 1DQ 24 0 51.64008 0.435529
CM11 1DR 2 0 51.643461 0.437891
CM11 1DS 27 0 51.644042 0.433544
CM11 1DT 25 0 51.642758 0.43388
CM11 1DU 30 0 51.643717 0.434452