all postcodes in CM11 / BILLERICAY

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM11 2TS 0 51.605788 0.427324
CM11 2TW 0 51.611319 0.428616
CM11 2TX 3 51.623846 0.444672
CM11 2TY 0 51.610948 0.428278
CM11 2TZ 0 51.619249 0.443182
CM11 2UA 0 51.617833 0.445346
CM11 2UB 5 51.612841 0.443243
CM11 2UD 36 51.601211 0.445507
CM11 2UF 1 51.59816 0.446036
CM11 2UH 4 51.595396 0.460557
CM11 2UJ 5 51.591737 0.460735
CM11 2UL 8 51.599605 0.461839
CM11 2UN 3 51.609632 0.467235
CM11 2UP 0 51.604218 0.476228
CM11 2UQ 4 51.605213 0.451932
CM11 2UR 0 51.604938 0.47618
CM11 2UT 0 51.604068 0.477794
CM11 2UX 0 51.604932 0.478159
CM11 2UY 0 51.606159 0.479438
CM11 2UZ 1 51.607176 0.480505