all postcodes in CM12 / BILLERICAY

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CM12 0AA651.6291750.419006
CM12 0AB051.6296750.419004
CM12 0AD051.6294740.420192
CM12 0AE051.6302270.419684
CM12 0AF151.6307650.410161
CM12 0AG051.6311140.417246
CM12 0AH251.6303420.421077
CM12 0AJ451.631430.419111
CM12 0AN051.632640.417818
CM12 0AP051.6322110.421191
CM12 0AQ151.6344820.420055
CM12 0AR251.6322590.42235
CM12 0AT051.6348340.425233
CM12 0AU051.634530.423396
CM12 0AX051.6339030.424172
CM12 0AZ051.6357480.424097
CM12 0BA051.6359590.421275
CM12 0BB051.6364820.423818
CM12 0BD051.6350.425892
CM12 0BE051.6332060.424814