all postcodes in CM12 / BILLERICAY

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode ResidentialBusinessesLocalityLatitude Longitude
CM12 0FH051.645220.428779
CM12 0FJ051.6448580.428861
CM12 0FL051.645160.431205
CM12 0FN051.6453640.430216
CM12 0FP051.6314660.403175
CM12 0FQ051.6453980.427965
CM12 0FR051.6318980.40181
CM12 0FW051.6454330.431089
CM12 0GD051.640870.410769
CM12 0GE051.6406360.411609
CM12 0GF051.6407090.410283
CM12 0HA051.6363270.401163
CM12 0HB051.6356490.400014
CM12 0HD051.6308940.407364
CM12 0HE051.6315910.406707
CM12 0HF051.6310170.407963
CM12 0HG051.6311480.406843
CM12 0HH051.6324990.410657
CM12 0HJ051.6333470.411439
CM12 0HL051.6331240.412222