all postcodes in CM14 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM14 4BL 6 1 51.618136 0.302515
CM14 4BN 19 2 51.618436 0.3037
CM14 4BP 1 1 51.618958 0.303078
CM14 4BS 1 1 51.618444 0.302834
CM14 4BT 48 0 51.619313 0.303932
CM14 4BX 34 23 51.61955 0.302212
CM14 4DB 20 14 51.620088 0.304333
CM14 4DF 24 1 51.619541 0.305448
CM14 4DJ 20 8 51.618136 0.298383
CM14 4DP 10 0 51.61698 0.298919
CM14 4DR 12 9 51.616075 0.29922
CM14 4DU 6 5 51.616525 0.299647
CM14 4DW 14 2 51.617836 0.298846
CM14 4DX 8 0 51.616272 0.299864
CM14 4DZ 2 2 51.618511 0.298951
CM14 4EA 13 8 51.615176 0.299794
CM14 4EG 24 10 51.615184 0.29939
CM14 4EJ 2 2 51.614283 0.299026
CM14 4EQ 1 1 51.614832 0.299792
CM14 4ES 2 2 51.620236 0.305005