all postcodes in CM14 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM14 4EW 5 5 51.613684 0.300067
CM14 4EX 1 1 51.617818 0.304335
CM14 4EY 4 0 51.619112 0.305902
CM14 4FE 8 0 51.617977 0.301915
CM14 4FH 6 0 51.618548 0.300573
CM14 4FJ 10 0 51.616998 0.297547
CM14 4FP 11 0 51.616784 0.301262
CM14 4FS 26 0 51.618998 0.305175
CM14 4FY 18 0 51.615695 0.30086
CM14 4GD 3 2 51.618941 0.303191
CM14 4GG 1 1 51.620306 0.303594
CM14 4GW 15 0 51.615488 0.301326
CM14 4GX 27 0 51.618015 0.306656
CM14 4HA 12 0 51.616466 0.300828
CM14 4HB 9 0 51.618 0.305787
CM14 4HD 29 0 51.618171 0.30347
CM14 4HE 48 5 51.616325 0.300691
CM14 4HF 57 0 51.618523 0.30525
CM14 4HG 2 2 51.614238 0.299791
CM14 4HH 9 0 51.61404 0.300444