all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 0AA 21 1 51.66598 0.269468
CM15 0AD 4 0 51.667662 0.268525
CM15 0AE 12 0 51.666105 0.270906
CM15 0AG 2 0 51.665376 0.271591
CM15 0AH 14 0 51.665978 0.271869
CM15 0AL 8 0 51.664969 0.273132
CM15 0AN 8 0 51.663346 0.275005
CM15 0AP 19 0 51.662732 0.275104
CM15 0AR 29 0 51.663224 0.274071
CM15 0AT 11 1 51.663045 0.276581
CM15 0AU 33 0 51.662446 0.277995
CM15 0AW 14 1 51.663755 0.275428
CM15 0AX 31 0 51.662295 0.276527
CM15 0AZ 17 1 51.663762 0.27741
CM15 0BA 28 0 51.664347 0.277815
CM15 0BB 11 0 51.6641 0.276675
CM15 0BD 64 0 51.66568 0.279111
CM15 0BE 10 0 51.66598 0.280818
CM15 0BG 22 0 51.664258 0.281007
CM15 0BH 23 0 51.664844 0.282323