all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 0BJ 22 1 51.664781 0.280035
CM15 0BL 24 0 51.663312 0.279067
CM15 0BN 17 0 51.662804 0.281152
CM15 0BP 15 0 51.664356 0.273436
CM15 0BQ 7 0 51.663977 0.281833
CM15 0BS 39 0 51.663156 0.282443
CM15 0BU 27 0 51.663897 0.282277
CM15 0BX 30 0 51.662344 0.280014
CM15 0BY 33 0 51.662779 0.278431
CM15 0DA 10 0 51.669349 0.301727
CM15 0DB 8 0 51.667894 0.27276
CM15 0DD 10 0 51.658178 0.269266
CM15 0DE 10 0 51.658641 0.26994
CM15 0DF 4 1 51.658985 0.270304
CM15 0DG 2 0 51.662641 0.271179
CM15 0DH 16 2 51.667348 0.270981
CM15 0DJ 29 0 51.666705 0.271037
CM15 0DL 32 0 51.667501 0.273765
CM15 0DR 5 1 51.674945 0.29054
CM15 0DS 16 0 51.674701 0.292481