all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 8HG 13 0 51.620095 0.32157
CM15 8HH 37 0 51.620035 0.323243
CM15 8HJ 25 0 51.622763 0.323541
CM15 8HN 26 0 51.62284 0.322866
CM15 8HP 8 0 51.624094 0.324924
CM15 8HQ 15 0 51.620488 0.321243
CM15 8HS 4 0 51.624529 0.324744
CM15 8HT 22 0 51.624901 0.324732
CM15 8HU 48 0 51.626857 0.32632
CM15 8HW 3 0 51.624202 0.323976
CM15 8HX 14 0 51.62805 0.32511
CM15 8HY 42 0 51.628804 0.32746
CM15 8JA 3 1 51.629936 0.327981
CM15 8JD 42 15 51.63029 0.328535
CM15 8JE 1 1 51.630461 0.328992
CM15 8JF 11 0 51.630105 0.320202
CM15 8JJ 27 0 51.625646 0.320277
CM15 8JL 22 0 51.625206 0.321889
CM15 8JN 34 0 51.627414 0.322102
CM15 8JP 16 0 51.627098 0.320495