all postcodes in CM15 / BRENTWOOD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM15 9BL 18 0 51.624857 0.304632
CM15 9BN 1 1 51.622504 0.307029
CM15 9BP 20 0 51.623655 0.307029
CM15 9BQ 18 0 51.626166 0.303747
CM15 9BS 1 1 51.624201 0.306725
CM15 9BU 58 0 51.622752 0.306333
CM15 9BW 15 0 51.623095 0.307622
CM15 9BX 4 3 51.627072 0.303402
CM15 9BY 3 2 51.628681 0.303598
CM15 9BZ 4 2 51.628195 0.302563
CM15 9DA 1 1 51.626955 0.301762
CM15 9DB 15 0 51.625797 0.304219
CM15 9DD 28 0 51.625346 0.302448
CM15 9DE 28 0 51.626062 0.302152
CM15 9DF 12 0 51.624885 0.302555
CM15 9DG 20 0 51.625294 0.303746
CM15 9DH 2 1 51.624442 0.30243
CM15 9DJ 25 1 51.624583 0.301485
CM15 9DL 23 0 51.625881 0.30038
CM15 9DN 40 0 51.623618 0.305422