all postcodes in CM19 / HARLOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM19 5TJ 14 51.762006 0.065409
CM19 5TN 1 51.762319 0.063657
CM19 5TP 5 51.762086 0.062081
CM19 5TQ 1 51.763284 0.062264
CM19 5TR 11 51.763279 0.062237
CM19 5UA 1 51.765307 0.060446
CM19 5QB 13 11 51.768463 0.056314
CM19 5QP 9 6 51.769308 0.055816
CM19 5FP 1 1 51.770046 0.065384
CM19 5GF 1 1 51.771738 0.093931
CM19 5AA 2 2 51.768821 0.070083
CM19 5PX 1 51.770751 0.065868
CM19 5GU 4 51.770613 0.064323
CM19 5FR 2 1 51.769965 0.057699
CM19 5AR 1 1 51.764593 0.067121
CM19 5FZ 6 0 51.769253 0.047463
CM19 5FS 11 0 51.751702 0.053522
CM19 5TL 1 1 51.766131 0.06709
CM19 5FU 4 0 51.772275 0.037613
CM19 5AD 1 1 51.765847 0.068932