all postcodes in CM19 / HARLOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM19 5JH 7 5 51.765048 0.072417
CM19 5JL 4 4 51.765089 0.073334
CM19 5JN 16 0 51.763481 0.037565
CM19 5JP 13 4 51.754468 0.025278
CM19 5JQ 2 0 51.769843 0.040982
CM19 5JR 21 2 51.750904 0.021264
CM19 5JY 13 2 51.752169 0.028739
CM19 5JS 17 8 51.748649 0.017109
CM19 5JT 2 1 51.750508 0.018639
CM19 5JU 26 2 51.750582 0.042651
CM19 5JW 8 0 51.759407 0.023226
CM19 5JX 7 1 51.751439 0.018567
CM19 5JZ 2 51.751156 0.033721
CM19 5LA 0 51.75026 0.040463
CM19 5LB 0 51.751089 0.040223
CM19 5LD 1 51.749807 0.044325
CM19 5LE 7 51.753324 0.04941
CM19 5LG 0 51.749311 0.04749
CM19 5LH 0 51.747301 0.047585
CM19 5LJ 6 51.747796 0.054764