all postcodes in CM19 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM19 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM19 4BD 50 0 51.768589 0.08271
CM19 4BE 29 0 51.766304 0.082433
CM19 4BG 38 0 51.767465 0.082893
CM19 4BH 11 0 51.767353 0.08009
CM19 4BJ 14 0 51.766688 0.081031
CM19 4BP 9 0 51.766618 0.083506
CM19 4BQ 26 0 51.76713 0.081979
CM19 4BS 24 0 51.768268 0.088292
CM19 4BT 16 0 51.767945 0.086741
CM19 4BU 18 1 51.76732 0.086812
CM19 4BX 36 0 51.767616 0.088059
CM19 4BY 31 0 51.767381 0.088121
CM19 4DA 30 0 51.766218 0.090314
CM19 4DB 19 0 51.765971 0.089549
CM19 4DD 32 0 51.766866 0.089749
CM19 4DE 24 0 51.764973 0.089024
CM19 4DF 28 0 51.765983 0.090911
CM19 4DG 12 0 51.765401 0.090218
CM19 4DH 52 0 51.764784 0.090523
CM19 4DJ 32 0 51.763915 0.088859