all postcodes in CM19 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM19 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM19 4DN 32 0 51.763496 0.087637
CM19 4DP 11 0 51.763339 0.085862
CM19 4DQ 37 0 51.765485 0.091599
CM19 4DR 31 0 51.764049 0.085837
CM19 4DS 10 0 51.764261 0.086586
CM19 4DT 2 2 51.762865 0.084519
CM19 4DU 45 0 51.76337 0.084081
CM19 4DW 30 0 51.762836 0.086331
CM19 4DX 21 0 51.762493 0.084374
CM19 4ED 48 0 51.768631 0.080511
CM19 4EE 31 0 51.768286 0.079162
CM19 4EF 41 0 51.768691 0.078123
CM19 4EG 38 0 51.767896 0.078361
CM19 4EH 20 0 51.766537 0.08043
CM19 4EJ 20 0 51.766521 0.079313
CM19 4EL 40 0 51.765553 0.080167
CM19 4EN 36 0 51.765687 0.082217
CM19 4EP 21 0 51.765417 0.083277
CM19 4EQ 39 0 51.767433 0.078108
CM19 4ER 1 0 51.765266 0.084168