all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 7ES 21 0 51.720317 0.500102
CM2 7EU 5 0 51.720763 0.499417
CM2 7EW 14 0 51.723118 0.501589
CM2 7EX 11 0 51.721358 0.500203
CM2 7EY 24 0 51.719336 0.502668
CM2 7EZ 26 2 51.719263 0.503562
CM2 7HF 31 0 51.717823 0.498951
CM2 7HH 12 7 51.715808 0.501007
CM2 7HJ 6 2 51.715754 0.501515
CM2 7HN 3 0 51.715843 0.501563
CM2 7HP 32 0 51.716 0.49885
CM2 7HQ 13 2 51.71721 0.499438
CM2 7HR 23 0 51.71651 0.497286
CM2 7HS 7 0 51.717384 0.497204
CM2 7HT 17 0 51.715686 0.498818
CM2 7HU 12 0 51.716519 0.50024
CM2 7HW 1 0 51.717541 0.499963
CM2 7HX 13 2 51.715006 0.503283
CM2 7HY 26 5 51.713183 0.505568
CM2 7HZ 13 1 51.71457 0.503386