all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 7DP 53 0 51.719167 0.501732
CM2 7DQ 17 0 51.719882 0.512921
CM2 7DS 27 0 51.717216 0.514351
CM2 7DW 19 5 51.718487 0.501159
CM2 7DY 10 0 51.718851 0.498008
CM2 7DZ 6 0 51.719641 0.498486
CM2 7EA 18 0 51.7207 0.4973
CM2 7EB 13 0 51.721601 0.496394
CM2 7ED 12 0 51.722449 0.496701
CM2 7EE 14 0 51.723329 0.496329
CM2 7EF 18 0 51.723031 0.497631
CM2 7EG 20 0 51.722178 0.499263
CM2 7EH 5 0 51.722396 0.500448
CM2 7EJ 34 0 51.72209 0.502589
CM2 7ET 13 0 51.720829 0.501824
CM2 7EL 11 0 51.722803 0.499906
CM2 7EN 6 0 51.722995 0.498932
CM2 7EP 15 0 51.721287 0.498476
CM2 7EQ 18 0 51.721651 0.501218
CM2 7ER 18 0 51.721965 0.497876