all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 8AA 38 0 51.712497 0.463739
CM2 8AB 7 0 51.710779 0.464616
CM2 8AD 11 0 51.71067 0.465507
CM2 8AE 28 0 51.7118 0.46525
CM2 8AF 35 0 51.712654 0.465702
CM2 8AG 44 0 51.713326 0.466245
CM2 8AH 25 0 51.713401 0.470781
CM2 8AJ 63 0 51.712645 0.468684
CM2 8AL 60 0 51.712443 0.469744
CM2 8AN 53 0 51.712531 0.470256
CM2 8AP 32 0 51.709711 0.465788
CM2 8AQ 43 0 51.71322 0.467832
CM2 8AR 38 0 51.710118 0.466549
CM2 8AS 30 0 51.710738 0.467002
CM2 8AT 38 0 51.71177 0.467102
CM2 8AU 44 8 51.711344 0.468106
CM2 8AW 27 0 51.712944 0.471567
CM2 8AX 43 0 51.714124 0.464219
CM2 8AY 9 0 51.713869 0.465652
CM2 8AZ 46 0 51.713761 0.474054