all postcodes in CM20 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM20 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM20 3RY 0 51.773338 0.1025
CM20 3RZ 0 51.772967 0.103657
CM20 3SA 0 51.772053 0.104005
CM20 3SD 0 51.765088 0.124607
CM20 3SX 0 51.768399 0.102633
CM20 3SY 0 51.768752 0.101011
CM20 3SZ 0 51.769302 0.102443
CM20 3WZ 1 1 51.771738 0.093931
CM20 3RA 1 0 51.769098 0.114796
CM20 3BY 9 0 51.776468 0.122027
CM20 3DT 1 51.767998 0.098918
CM20 3GA 1 1 51.772194 0.103128
CM20 3EZ 2 2 51.76932 0.098238
CM20 3FA 1 51.776201 0.112389
CM20 3FB 0 51.776652 0.123613
CM20 3FD 1 1 51.776608 0.123553