all postcodes in CM20 / HARLOW

find any address or company within the CM20 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM20 3QU 0 51.771358 0.098567
CM20 3QW 0 51.772605 0.09674
CM20 3QX 0 51.771896 0.100172
CM20 3QY 0 51.770867 0.098384
CM20 3RB 1 51.769526 0.100482
CM20 3RD 0 51.769301 0.105022
CM20 3RE 0 51.767865 0.103825
CM20 3RF 0 51.767222 0.105578
CM20 3RG 0 51.767706 0.104687
CM20 3RH 0 51.768738 0.105822
CM20 3RL 0 51.768235 0.10677
CM20 3RN 0 51.770073 0.102073
CM20 3RP 0 51.773234 0.100799
CM20 3RQ 0 51.767933 0.10606
CM20 3RR 0 51.772335 0.101801
CM20 3RS 0 51.772773 0.101952
CM20 3RT 0 51.773861 0.102437
CM20 3RU 0 51.774309 0.10356
CM20 3RW 1 51.771438 0.104673
CM20 3RX 0 51.773645 0.104442