all postcodes in CM21 / SAWBRIDGEWORTH

find any address or company within the CM21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM21 0BE 0 51.801169 0.131048
CM21 0BJ 2 51.815801 0.147263
CM21 0BL 1 51.81609 0.145724
CM21 0BN 0 51.816628 0.144223
CM21 0BP 1 51.818024 0.134818
CM21 0BS 0 51.815047 0.14669
CM21 0BT 0 51.815309 0.145629
CM21 0BU 0 51.815068 0.144558
CM21 0BW 0 51.816866 0.14016
CM21 0BX 0 51.815213 0.143535
CM21 0BY 0 51.813711 0.143536
CM21 0BZ 0 51.813425 0.143944
CM21 0DA 0 51.815557 0.143406
CM21 0DB 0 51.816869 0.147372
CM21 0DD 0 51.812857 0.143017
CM21 0DE 0 51.817482 0.147285
CM21 0DF 0 51.817436 0.146383
CM21 0DH 0 51.813551 0.141947
CM21 0DJ 0 51.815631 0.148123
CM21 0DN 0 51.815894 0.147961