all postcodes in CM21 / SAWBRIDGEWORTH

find any address or company within the CM21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM21 0DQ 0 51.815872 0.148311
CM21 0DY 1 51.81211 0.146028
CM21 0DZ 0 51.812164 0.145015
CM21 0EA 0 51.811733 0.143979
CM21 0EB 1 51.813113 0.146236
CM21 0ED 0 51.814391 0.146166
CM21 0EE 0 51.813361 0.144942
CM21 0EF 0 51.813326 0.144432
CM21 0EG 0 51.811336 0.143061
CM21 0EH 0 51.812074 0.143067
CM21 0EJ 0 51.810731 0.1437
CM21 0EL 0 51.810859 0.142603
CM21 0EP 0 51.810271 0.141821
CM21 0ER 0 51.809229 0.142279
CM21 0ES 0 51.810825 0.141035
CM21 0ET 0 51.812064 0.141152
CM21 0EU 0 51.80944 0.144001
CM21 0EY 0 51.808592 0.142641
CM21 0HA 0 51.806008 0.135918
CM21 0HB 0 51.806869 0.135538