all postcodes in CM21 / SAWBRIDGEWORTH

find any address or company within the CM21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM21 9HU 0 51.807985 0.143424
CM21 9HX 6 51.814469 0.176202
CM21 9HY 7 51.810647 0.171736
CM21 9HZ 0 51.814483 0.163651
CM21 9JA 0 51.817536 0.169342
CM21 9JB 0 51.807232 0.157547
CM21 9JE 0 51.811747 0.157412
CM21 9JF 0 51.814585 0.155618
CM21 9JG 1 51.812954 0.14707
CM21 9JH 4 51.812954 0.14707
CM21 9JJ 9 51.81488 0.147945
CM21 9JL 0 51.815353 0.147198
CM21 9JN 3 51.814693 0.148327
CM21 9JP 1 51.817415 0.148515
CM21 9JR 0 51.819264 0.148675
CM21 9JS 8 51.813262 0.147821
CM21 9JT 0 51.813391 0.14725
CM21 9JX 85 51.812226 0.159248
CM21 9JY 1 51.814298 0.154707
CM21 9JZ 1 51.813429 0.15748