all postcodes in CM21 / SAWBRIDGEWORTH

find any address or company within the CM21 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM21 9PU 0 51.806667 0.158927
CM21 9PX 0 51.813984 0.156622
CM21 9PY 0 51.811895 0.161179
CM21 9PZ 0 51.811227 0.16032
CM21 9QA 2 51.8121 0.151454
CM21 9QD 3 51.81254 0.148559
CM21 9QE 9 51.813226 0.147938
CM21 9QG 1 51.812427 0.15131
CM21 9QH 0 51.812952 0.150145
CM21 9QJ 0 51.815198 0.14973
CM21 9QL 0 51.81285 0.149821
CM21 9QN 0 51.815443 0.149161
CM21 9QP 0 51.810075 0.145671
CM21 9QU 0 51.815273 0.148108
CM21 9QW 0 51.815045 0.15023
CM21 9RA 0 51.812049 0.160546
CM21 9RB 0 51.813538 0.160837
CM21 9RD 0 51.80781 0.159373
CM21 9RE 0 51.809887 0.145604
CM21 9RF 0 51.813173 0.161109