all postcodes in CM22 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM22 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM22 7AA 14 1 51.816265 0.202796
CM22 7AB 25 11 51.811934 0.205096
CM22 7AD 9 0 51.811402 0.212832
CM22 7AE 2 0 51.811864 0.212533
CM22 7AF 1 1 51.866756 0.160336
CM22 7AG 10 0 51.808993 0.212743
CM22 7AH 32 0 51.808583 0.211635
CM22 7AJ 15 0 51.807492 0.213191
CM22 7AL 11 0 51.806478 0.213113
CM22 7AN 4 0 51.805841 0.213473
CM22 7AP 5 1 51.806154 0.219784
CM22 7AR 2 1 51.801119 0.2096
CM22 7AS 11 1 51.795977 0.212482
CM22 7AT 4 2 51.796663 0.225192
CM22 7AU 7 1 51.804301 0.241044
CM22 7AW 4 0 51.80579 0.213833
CM22 7AX 5 0 51.807583 0.23925
CM22 7AY 5 0 51.808216 0.242761
CM22 7BA 10 1 51.8131 0.247038
CM22 7BB 1 0 51.811906 0.238463