all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 2BL 39 0 51.878286 0.169519
CM23 2BN 22 4 51.880173 0.169596
CM23 2BP 16 0 51.87948 0.16763
CM23 2BQ 40 0 51.877328 0.167817
CM23 2BS 10 0 51.880609 0.169806
CM23 2BT 35 7 51.881468 0.171532
CM23 2BW 4 0 51.881043 0.171178
CM23 2BX 6 0 51.874854 0.138366
CM23 2BY 28 0 51.881831 0.174267
CM23 2BZ 12 0 51.8812 0.173873
CM23 2DA 11 0 51.881402 0.173142
CM23 2DB 3 0 51.881452 0.172883
CM23 2DD 57 0 51.880134 0.17266
CM23 2DE 25 0 51.881119 0.170455
CM23 2DF 17 0 51.88207 0.171053
CM23 2DG 15 0 51.881475 0.170632
CM23 2DH 24 13 51.869865 0.165831
CM23 2DL 1 1 51.869874 0.163348
CM23 2DN 6 0 51.869635 0.162668
CM23 2DP 18 1 51.869216 0.165437