all postcodes in CM23 / BISHOP'S STORTFORD

find any address or company within the CM23 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM23 1AA 3 0 51.937084 0.151522
CM23 1AB 7 4 51.948026 0.153574
CM23 1AD 3 0 51.950278 0.150422
CM23 1AE 17 1 51.947905 0.13558
CM23 1AG 4 0 51.950938 0.133907
CM23 1AH 4 0 51.947761 0.133114
CM23 1AJ 4 0 51.946942 0.133106
CM23 1AL 17 0 51.947123 0.130103
CM23 1AN 12 0 51.94777 0.12961
CM23 1AP 5 0 51.949902 0.124603
CM23 1AR 5 0 51.952056 0.120324
CM23 1AS 6 0 51.947031 0.135643
CM23 1AT 10 0 51.946401 0.1357
CM23 1AU 3 0 51.945693 0.135579
CM23 1AW 1 0 51.95127 0.126501
CM23 1AX 30 0 51.946697 0.134259
CM23 1AY 14 0 51.944552 0.13503
CM23 1AZ 7 0 51.936167 0.135243
CM23 1BA 4 0 51.936946 0.130972
CM23 1BB 5 0 51.943834 0.144832