all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 0XE 62 1 51.728254 0.471403
CM2 0XF 29 0 51.728622 0.470883
CM2 0XL 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM2 0XQ 2 2 51.730236 0.473336
CM2 0XU 18 0 51.728286 0.465163
CM2 0DA 10 0 51.729824 0.477122
CM2 0DP 10 0 51.729719 0.477391
CM2 0WZ 1 1 51.742492 0.500602
CM2 0JE 16 0 51.727047 0.468035
CM2 0JX 4 0 51.728014 0.468576
CM2 0BN 63 1 51.725336 0.460441
CM2 0GB 15 0 51.725783 0.479377
CM2 0GD 17 1 51.728133 0.468138
CM2 0FP 1 0 51.728835 0.474968
CM2 0FR 76 0 51.728038 0.479066
CM2 0FS 51 1 51.730564 0.468864
CM2 0FW 0 51.729548 0.473993
CM2 0FQ 62 0 51.732006 0.465756
CM2 0FY 0 51.729568 0.469544
CM2 0FZ 1 1 51.725758 0.461676