all postcodes in CM2 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM2 0TL 24 0 51.725951 0.478677
CM2 0TN 35 0 51.726876 0.479611
CM2 0TP 36 0 51.726517 0.477013
CM2 0TQ 21 0 51.725899 0.475618
CM2 0TR 28 0 51.727496 0.477892
CM2 0UH 15 0 51.728203 0.47767
CM2 0TS 32 1 51.725091 0.474676
CM2 0TT 21 0 51.725809 0.47389
CM2 0TU 25 0 51.725396 0.472999
CM2 0TW 34 0 51.727356 0.479434
CM2 0TX 12 0 51.725265 0.471544
CM2 0TY 15 0 51.724639 0.472682
CM2 0TZ 25 0 51.724262 0.473893
CM2 0UA 16 0 51.723899 0.472352
CM2 0UB 25 0 51.723472 0.471258
CM2 0UD 20 0 51.72597 0.473103
CM2 0UE 16 0 51.725818 0.472211
CM2 0UT 51 0 51.72777 0.467872
CM2 0UU 8 6 51.731121 0.473616
CM2 0WP 8 7 51.730598 0.475278