all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 3BD 4 0 51.786961 0.528858
CM3 3BE 14 14 51.789901 0.520945
CM3 3BH 9 0 51.766247 0.551876
CM3 3BN 19 0 51.759045 0.538934
CM3 3BP 16 0 51.759227 0.540495
CM3 3BQ 2 0 51.765704 0.550726
CM3 3BS 46 0 51.760352 0.541718
CM3 3BT 14 8 51.758489 0.54012
CM3 3BU 35 0 51.760424 0.539606
CM3 3BW 11 0 51.756594 0.541651
CM3 3BX 18 0 51.76123 0.542665
CM3 3BY 39 0 51.761618 0.543441
CM3 3BZ 19 0 51.761666 0.544965
CM3 3DA 25 0 51.759754 0.542727
CM3 3DB 20 1 51.759012 0.542092
CM3 3DD 14 0 51.759653 0.541606
CM3 3DE 27 0 51.755982 0.540023
CM3 3DF 38 0 51.755995 0.540661
CM3 3DG 2 0 51.751896 0.541761
CM3 3DH 25 0 51.756451 0.539513