all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 3DJ 37 0 51.758512 0.541527
CM3 3DL 49 0 51.761575 0.541714
CM3 3DN 4 0 51.758001 0.540644
CM3 3DP 6 0 51.758351 0.540649
CM3 3DQ 2 0 51.75185 0.538875
CM3 3DR 23 0 51.762221 0.545489
CM3 3DS 1 0 51.755281 0.548722
CM3 3DT 6 0 51.759433 0.536768
CM3 3DU 6 0 51.759706 0.536653
CM3 3DX 50 2 51.758518 0.544165
CM3 3DY 16 0 51.757823 0.539271
CM3 3DZ 40 1 51.762457 0.547503
CM3 3EA 57 0 51.759794 0.546266
CM3 3EB 2 0 51.756175 0.541421
CM3 3ED 22 0 51.760756 0.545045
CM3 3EE 12 0 51.760263 0.544568
CM3 3EF 43 1 51.759259 0.537758
CM3 3EG 10 1 51.758052 0.543179
CM3 3EH 7 0 51.757347 0.543853
CM3 3EJ 17 0 51.75737 0.545695