all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 6DD 40 0 51.65389 0.747282
CM3 6DE 25 1 51.654051 0.746858
CM3 6DF 41 0 51.653979 0.746579
CM3 6DG 6 0 51.648112 0.75351
CM3 6DQ 58 0 51.64518 0.749386
CM3 6DH 4 0 51.644225 0.747073
CM3 6DJ 5 0 51.658191 0.763318
CM3 6DN 48 0 51.658742 0.762441
CM3 6DS 6 0 51.646265 0.774635
CM3 6DT 9 0 51.651596 0.777143
CM3 6DU 21 0 51.655599 0.777013
CM3 6DW 10 0 51.657541 0.763047
CM3 6DY 5 0 51.655886 0.78358
CM3 6DR 1 1 51.655811 0.770808
CM3 6DZ 6 0 51.66766 0.783044
CM3 6EA 3 0 51.664222 0.782124
CM3 6EB 8 1 51.661847 0.784799
CM3 6ED 1 1 51.660289 0.78252
CM3 6EE 8 0 51.663368 0.796852
CM3 6EF 9 1 51.673694 0.789229