all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 6EG 15 1 51.680665 0.776217
CM3 6EH 56 0 51.681986 0.766431
CM3 6EJ 91 0 51.685802 0.765882
CM3 6EL 7 1 51.692221 0.759095
CM3 6EN 4 1 51.662238 0.772444
CM3 6EP 44 0 51.686247 0.76384
CM3 6EQ 17 0 51.68322 0.773234
CM3 6ER 51 0 51.68509 0.76335
CM3 6ES 32 0 51.685673 0.760738
CM3 6ET 31 0 51.686749 0.761643
CM3 6EU 29 0 51.670414 0.726355
CM3 6EW 6 0 51.657144 0.795746
CM3 6EX 16 2 51.668374 0.726955
CM3 6EY 13 3 51.66714 0.733997
CM3 6EZ 3 0 51.665134 0.738374
CM3 6GB 2 0 51.681507 0.762654
CM3 6GH 12 0 51.679727 0.767277
CM3 6GT 25 0 51.681719 0.760975
CM3 6HA 11 1 51.667856 0.741199
CM3 6HB 8 1 51.664452 0.72941