all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 8BE 15 0 51.67518 0.553174
CM3 8BG 20 0 51.678195 0.557206
CM3 8BH 20 5 51.667322 0.549229
CM3 8BJ 2 0 51.675753 0.541154
CM3 8BL 15 0 51.678901 0.552892
CM3 8BN 4 0 51.679968 0.551661
CM3 8BP 8 2 51.673348 0.5716
CM3 8BQ 2 0 51.670759 0.549986
CM3 8BT 3 0 51.67421 0.574137
CM3 8BU 4 0 51.679454 0.561342
CM3 8BW 3 0 51.672017 0.562962
CM3 8EG 22 0 51.654971 0.549956
CM3 8BX 1 1 51.678247 0.558149
CM3 8BY 1 1 51.680369 0.56271
CM3 8DA 7 0 51.650567 0.536133
CM3 8DB 18 0 51.648403 0.536793
CM3 8DD 7 0 51.646689 0.537464
CM3 8DE 5 0 51.644794 0.538153
CM3 8DF 6 1 51.644151 0.534876
CM3 8DG 7 0 51.643522 0.527487