all postcodes in CM3 / CHELMSFORD

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM3 8DH 16 0 51.644259 0.548719
CM3 8DJ 4 0 51.643841 0.550427
CM3 8DL 7 5 51.642553 0.554214
CM3 8DN 8 1 51.639954 0.55547
CM3 8DP 10 0 51.636812 0.557435
CM3 8DQ 12 8 51.640605 0.540807
CM3 8DR 13 1 51.635647 0.557469
CM3 8DS 17 0 51.636424 0.558324
CM3 8DT 13 0 51.635561 0.559547
CM3 8DU 46 0 51.635954 0.561347
CM3 8DW 8 1 51.640055 0.558456
CM3 8DX 40 0 51.636851 0.559779
CM3 8DY 16 10 51.652189 0.548264
CM3 8DZ 6 4 51.652948 0.548524
CM3 8EA 4 0 51.657562 0.547802
CM3 8EB 11 5 51.662421 0.544211
CM3 8ED 4 0 51.663958 0.541781
CM3 8EE 1 0 51.670276 0.535756
CM3 8EF 7 0 51.663012 0.539518
CM3 8EH 12 0 51.654603 0.55307