all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

find any address or company within the CM4 postcode district

Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 0RZ 15 0 51.693241 0.32126
CM4 0SA 1 0 51.694938 0.323214
CM4 0SB 17 0 51.693351 0.318225
CM4 0SD 25 0 51.693803 0.326293
CM4 0SE 35 0 51.694483 0.328253
CM4 0SF 7 0 51.693721 0.329053
CM4 0SG 3 0 51.69372 0.330442
CM4 0SP 15 0 51.692986 0.321664
CM4 0SQ 5 0 51.697866 0.332003
CM4 0SY 3 0 51.665899 0.380931
CM4 0TE 21 0 51.671322 0.379366
CM4 0TF 10 0 51.670332 0.378733
CM4 0TQ 24 0 51.672165 0.378586
CM4 0WG 1 1 51.669214 0.382669
CM4 0AR 5 0 51.669437 0.382938
CM4 0WS 1 1 51.669214 0.382669
CM4 0WQ 1 51.669214 0.382669
CM4 0GB 5 5 51.667981 0.385337
CM4 0FA 1 1 51.669624 0.384799
CM4 0WH 1 0 51.669214 0.382669