all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 0QP 20 0 51.693637 0.31487
CM4 0QR 1 1 51.694103 0.3154
CM4 0QS 5 0 51.695458 0.315976
CM4 0QT 7 0 51.697042 0.31322
CM4 0QU 6 0 51.692168 0.317557
CM4 0QX 18 0 51.692154 0.316169
CM4 0QY 43 0 51.692441 0.314404
CM4 0QZ 6 0 51.691308 0.313478
CM4 0RA 10 0 51.691813 0.313417
CM4 0RB 6 0 51.691661 0.314292
CM4 0RD 4 0 51.691161 0.312732
CM4 0RH 5 1 51.68568 0.369311
CM4 0RL 5 2 51.693015 0.318557
CM4 0RN 21 0 51.691797 0.318131
CM4 0RR 10 0 51.69171 0.319532
CM4 0RS 5 1 51.691216 0.320896
CM4 0RT 16 2 51.692583 0.319505
CM4 0RU 23 3 51.693518 0.319753
CM4 0RX 22 0 51.693939 0.320977
CM4 0RY 11 0 51.6933 0.320091