all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 9BD 17 1 51.664439 0.445408
CM4 9BE 1 1 51.665939 0.446996
CM4 9BG 16 0 51.664074 0.446936
CM4 9BH 10 2 51.663336 0.44246
CM4 9BJ 1 1 51.66384 0.442643
CM4 9BL 2 0 51.663346 0.441968
CM4 9BN 11 0 51.663039 0.44159
CM4 9BP 5 0 51.661798 0.439846
CM4 9BQ 27 2 51.664849 0.442353
CM4 9BS 8 0 51.66266 0.439239
CM4 9BT 4 0 51.661179 0.436733
CM4 9BU 4 2 51.660893 0.437527
CM4 9BW 8 1 51.663081 0.440855
CM4 9BX 16 0 51.658858 0.435261
CM4 9BY 4 0 51.658681 0.436223
CM4 9BZ 3 0 51.661247 0.436071
CM4 9DD 12 0 51.663335 0.437511
CM4 9DB 27 0 51.663959 0.437142
CM4 9DE 11 0 51.663019 0.438654
CM4 9DF 10 0 51.663321 0.440579