all postcodes in CM4 / INGATESTONE

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM4 9DG 7 0 51.663542 0.44033
CM4 9DJ 15 0 51.664117 0.43864
CM4 9DN 3 0 51.670493 0.386077
CM4 9DP 2 2 51.677309 0.444525
CM4 9DQ 3 0 51.662175 0.43816
CM4 9DS 23 0 51.673006 0.392096
CM4 9DT 38 0 51.672381 0.390559
CM4 9DU 28 7 51.671236 0.386041
CM4 9DW 31 13 51.671438 0.385835
CM4 9DX 14 0 51.671264 0.388894
CM4 9DY 16 0 51.671361 0.388538
CM4 9DZ 14 0 51.67048 0.389388
CM4 9EA 5 0 51.671653 0.386991
CM4 9EB 7 0 51.672193 0.386728
CM4 9ED 13 6 51.672117 0.388271
CM4 9EE 35 4 51.672469 0.387974
CM4 9EF 34 0 51.672029 0.38973
CM4 9EG 26 0 51.671587 0.391573
CM4 9EH 4 3 51.673253 0.393856
CM4 9EJ 10 0 51.67144 0.387718