all postcodes in CM7 / DUNMOW

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Postcode Area

CM / Chelmsford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CM7 1GF 6 0 51.877775 0.547915
CM7 1GG 6 0 51.877661 0.547764
CM7 1TD 1 51.868112 0.544362
CM7 1FJ 0 51.868777 0.567556
CM7 1FR 0 51.86837 0.566443
CM7 1FW 0 51.872431 0.553802
CM7 1FX 3 0 51.869173 0.565501
CM7 1FY 16 0 51.869606 0.565032
CM7 1FZ 17 0 51.873986 0.553033
CM7 1GE 11 0 51.873692 0.553293
CM7 1GJ 18 0 51.873513 0.552832
CM7 1GN 27 0 51.874389 0.5531
CM7 1GP 66 0 51.86676 0.566046
CM7 1TQ 30 0 51.867933 0.565923
CM7 1GQ 14 0 51.879328 0.552159
CM7 1FQ 0 51.874492 0.554558
CM7 1GR 5 0 51.867351 0.566153
CM7 1FU 4 0 51.8736 0.552182